The possessive pronouns take the place of a noun that belongs to. They are used to show ownership.
Predicate Nominative What Is A Predicate Nominative
There are two main ways in which these can be used.
Possessive pronouns that can be used as predicate nouns. And if you replace Koffer with an possessive pronoun you say. Mine Yours His Hers Ours Theirs. A predicate can be one word or several words.
The different forms of this verb include. OF POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. In German you can use the possessive adjective like this.
If the book belongs to her then it is hers. If the book belongs to me then it is mine. Predicate nominatives are the bad boys in the back row of homeroom because they equal trouble.
This can include strict ownership or a number of other types of relation to a greater or lesser degree analogous to it. We can combine subject object and possessive pronouns along with possessive adjectives. They are used to show ownership.
This is her car. Because possessive pronouns are neither contractions nor widespread nouns they dont use apostrophes. Possessive pronouns include my mine our ours its his her hers their theirs your and yours.
At the simplest level they are nouns and pronouns that appear in the predicate of a sentence and provide more information on the subject of the sentence. A possessive pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun that belongs to someone or somethingThe possessive. Here are the possessive pronouns in English.
In this sense yours is just like different possessive pronouns like its whose and ours. They are also for nouns that show possession such as the canines bone. Finally we can use an s to show possession with nouns.
The appropriate expression is of yours. Predicate nouns usually follow a form of the verb to be. In English theres also a difference between those two kinds of possessive indicators indicator here is not a proper grammatical term.
A great way to understand this part of speech is to see them in action. Is was am are be being been has been may be and were. Unlike nouns pronouns change depending on what they do in the sentence.
Here are some basic examples of. Possessive case pronouns are my mine your yours his her hers its our ours your yours their and theirs. A pronoun used as a predicate nominative is in the nominative case.
Subjective nouns are sometimes referred to as nominative nouns. This is my car This is her car. In addition we can use possessive adjectives to show ownership.
You now know that there are many ways to use pronouns. Can I use your car. Das ist mein Koffer.
We can also use them as objects and to show possession or ownership. Together with a noun. Choose the correct form of the pronoun and tell why you chose it.
A possessive form is a word or grammatical construction used to indicate a relationship of possession in a broad sense. Yes a possessive pronoun can be a predicate nominative renaming the subject. These are likely the easiest nouns to spot as they are typically the subject of the verb in the sentence.
These phrases are sometimes. These nouns either are the subject of the sentence or they are used as a predicate noun which follows a be verb and renames the main subject of the sentence. A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun after some form of to be is was might have been and so on.
Although these pronouns basically function as adjectives Hey they are modifying nouns some people still call them pronouns. Can I use your car. The predicate is the part of the sentences that is not the subject and its modifiers.
My your his her its our their whose. Since possessive pronouns can replace nouns or noun phrases they can avoid repetition. Here are the possessive pronouns that are used before nouns.
This is my suitcase. An of phrase with a possessive pronoun of mine of yours of hers of his of theirs of ours is a placed after an indefinite noun that expresses relationship friend son neighbor classmate etc BE RELATIONSHIP NOUN INDEFINITE I am a big fan of his of hers. These are all words that demonstrate ownership.
Most European languages feature possessive forms associated with personal pronouns like the English my mine your yours his and so on. We can use pronouns as subjects of sentences.
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